Photoflyer design templates
We have design templates for all photoflyer sizes available in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator format. Download your templates here, and have a look at our guide on how to best design your photoflyer and get it ready for production. The print ready file can be sent to
Design guide
Photoflyer templates
On this page you will find all the available templates for your photoflyer. Please check with your Account Manager which is the correct one for your order.
You can send your final print ready design file (.PDF) to

instax wide templates
instax mini templates

Polaroid i-Type templates
Polaroid Go templates

10x15 templates
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Compare our photoflyer sizes and dimensions
Designing a great photoflyer can be a determining factor in the success of your photoflyer campaign. Remember these tips when designing your next photoflyer.

11 Tips for creating an effective photoflyer design
Designing a great photoflyer can be a determining factor in the success of your photoflyer campaign. Remember these tips when designing your next photoflyer.

How to create a print ready photoflyer file for production
On this page you’ll find helpful tips to create and save a print ready file for production of your photoflyers.