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How to create a print ready photoflyer file for production

photoflyer templates
How to create a print ready photoflyer file for production

Our photoflyer templates are available in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator format, to ensure best print quality.

Please have a good look at the helpful tips. You can send your final print ready design file (.PDF) to

Guides explained

Photoflyer safe zone

Safe zone

Make sure any important aspects of your design such as text and logos are inside of the safe area, otherwise they may be cut off.

Photoflyer crop marks


Make sure that your background extends to fill the bleed to avoid your frames having white edges when trimmed.

Photoflyer branding


This is where we aim to cut your frames.

Photoflyer design

Don’t crop or mask

Fill the entire cut-out with your background to avoid your frames having white edges when trimmed.

Photoflyer crop

Don’t crop or mask

Fill the entire cut-out with your background to avoid your frames having white edges when trimmed.

Photoflyer ready

Add design to the front and back

Remember to add your design to both sides of the template.

Creating a design using Adobe Illustrator

[copy here]

Download free Adobe Illustrator trial
Photoflyer illustrator step 1

Exporting your file

Photoflyer illustrator step 2

Exporting your file

After you've successfully saved your photoflyer design as a print ready PDF, you can send it to

Creating a design using Adobe InDesign

[copy here]

Download free Adobe InDesign trial
Photoflyer indesign step1

Exporting your file

If you have followed the guides and think your photoflyer is ready to be exported as a print ready PDF, then

Follow these steps:

  • Disable the guide layers (if you miss this step, don't worry, these are automatically disabled once you export your file)
  • Outline text and embed images in your document to ensure they are printed correctly.
  • Minimum 300dpi / CMYK
  • Export a high quality print .PDF by following the steps below

First start with

  • File > Export...
  • As the format, choose Adobe PDF (Print)

When you save a file as PDF in Adobe InDesign; make sure you select [High Quality Print]

Photoflyer indesign step2

Exporting your file

  • In the 'Marks and Bleed' section, check the ''Crop Marks'' as well as ''Use Document Bleed Settings''
  • Click on 'Export' and you're done.
  • After you've successfully saved your photoflyer design as a print ready PDF, you can send it to
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Got a question or need help?

Send us a message if you need help with creating your design, or if the instructions aren’t clear enough for you. We’re happy to help.

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