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The original branded instant photo. Official Fujifilm and Polaroid partner. We ship worldwide.

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Brand activation for your brand

Brand activation is the creation of interaction between target group and brand through unique actions, events of campaigns. It’s no traditional marketing, but a positive brand experience that focuses on your target group. Interactive, surprising and memorable.

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Brand activation for your brand
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A positive brand experience, don’t we all want that?

A marketing campaign that is appreciated by your target audience. It’s every marketer’s dream. But way too often, marketing campaigns are used that people find annoying or too pushy. Therefor, they are ineffective. What makes a brand activation a positive experience? These 4 aspects ensure successful brand activation:

Respect your target audience

Brand activations are sometimes labeled as publicity stunts, but there’s a big difference between those two. A publicity stunt can come across as pushy and have an in your face approach. This creates a negative experience with a brand, and basically has the opposite effect. A good brand activation has respect for the target group, and needs to be fun and interesting in order for a positive response.

Human interaction

Human interaction is the fastest way to engage your target audience. With every form of brand activation it is important that it is represented by real people. They are the point of contact during the brand activation. Make sure they know exactly what your brand stands for so that they can create the right experience.

Surprise your target audience

A good brand activation is hard to realize. You need to represent the brand very well, and at the same time respect the target audience. Besides that, it also needs to be surprising and unique. The element of surprise makes an impression when your audience don’t expect it.

Listen to feedback

Brand activations are all about interaction with your target group. There is only interaction if the input comes from both sides. So don’t forget to start the conversation and listen. If you’re only sending out information, you’re missing the goal and valuable information. Your target audience needs to get to know your brand, and vice versa.

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Photoflyer is perfect for brand activation

Do you need help with your brand activation? Photoflyer is the perfect marketing tool to turn promotion into a positive brand experience. Receiving an instant photo always puts a smile on peoples faces. The pictures will be kept for years, and very often end up on the wall of the receiver. Still con convinced? Then take a look at our cases for brands such as Disney, Coca Cola and Adidas.

Photoflyers at your event

Personalized instant photo sticker frames for any activation.

Click, stick, and hand out a personalized instant photo with our complete instant photo activation kit.

Get photoflyers at your event.

Branded instant photo frames for any activation. 

Click, stick, and hand out a branded instant photo with our complete instant photo activation kit.

Request a quote now and get started